When your name comes up for a membership you may accept the membership or have the opportunity to defer one time without having to submit a new application. If you choose to defer, your name will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist, after all current season applications. If you apply for membership after the current season your name will appear after the “defer” names. The date next to your name is the date you applied for membership. **20## represents those applicants who deferred and the season they deferred.
This waitlist will generally updated on a Monthly basis. During the Months of March-May we will try to update it a bit more frequently. During those months we see the most movement in the list as that is when existing members who sell choose to leave the club.
Below is the current wait list as of 3/19/2025.
Last Name | Date
1 J. White 3/10/24
2 L. Cameron****2024 3/22/24
3 J. Frederick****2024 4/15/24
4 J.Petta 5/17/24
5 A. Tollison 5/17/24
6 K. Lehue 5/17/24
7 L. Peterson McNatt***2024 5/21/24
8 L. Ku 6/2/24
9 S. Axelsson 6/5/24
10 T. Donley 6/13/24
11 W. Merritt 6/19/24
12 J. Presher 6/19/24
13 L. Parzen 6/20/24
14 S. Lauderbaugh 6/25/24
15 L. Bayless 7/3/24
16 R. Seim 7/5/24
17 J. Nance 7/12/24
18 K. Norris 7/15/24
19 T. Donley 7/15/24
20 A. Caplan 7/15/24
21 J. Ruma 7/15/24
22 P. Scott 7/17/24
23 M. Mallon 7/17/24
24 E. Stiparovich 7/19/24
25 B. Rizzo 7/22/24
26 K. Schleh 7/22/24
27 K. Sutton 7/23/24
28 D. Hawver 7/28/24
29 K. Kenneally 7/31/24
30 K. Szachta 8/2/24
31 M. McClain 8/3/24
32 A. Hessler 8/8/24
33 D. Cassilo 8/8/24
34 J. Backus 8/9/24
35 P. Mullins 8/9/24
36 G. Nace 8/10/24
37 N. Brown 8/14/24
38 R. Goff 8/15/24
39 E. Piecheta 8/18/24
40 J. Michoski 8/21/24
41 N. Boland 8/22/24
42 B. Resyli 8/24/24
43 K. Cocke 9/3/24
44 M. Wolf 9/5/24
45 D. Ehlert 9/23/24
46 A. Richart 9/23/24
47 S. Camacho 10/3/24
48 P. Kuebler 10/23/24
49 L. Chronister 10/25/24
50 A. Sawyer 12/3/24
51 A. Rea 12/17/24
52 M. Shaw 1/29/25
53 B. Balsis 2/10/25
54 K. Schloff 2/11/25
55 S. Sciara 2/12/25
56 A. Krause 2/18/25
57 C. Norris 2/19/25
58 M. Rea 2/27/25
59 E. Fowler 2/28/25
60 J. Fairbanks***2025 3/17/25